Price increase in plastic raw material
Dear customers and sales forces,
In recent weeks, our suppliers of plastic raw materials have finally communicated to us their forecasts for the coming months.
Due to the current geopolitical situation in the Middle East, which is delaying the arrival of polymers, the slowdown in demand and their speculative actions have already led to slight increases on techno-polymers.
However, they expect the market to recover in the last part of 2024, but in the meantime, for speculative purposes, they have preferred to close production units in order to keep the demand for plastic materials constant.
For the moment ITALTRONIC will cope with these increases without changing the current price list, however we advise our customers and distributors to plan their orders as soon as possible so to be able to guarantee the current list price, at least for deliveries within June 2024.
Our current delivery time, for enclosures not available in stock, is of approximately 2-3 weeks, plus 1 eventual week more for graphic and/or mechanical customizations.
We thank you for your kind attention and wish you good work.
Fabio Carraro
Chief Commercial Officer
Italtronic - Enclosures for Electronics